Chelsea Amada

© Chelsea Amada
Ophelia Cortez (Former Filipina Nurse) Ticket from Manila to Vienna, 1980 © Chelsea Amada -
© Esel/Joanna Pianka -
© Esel/Joanna Pianka -
© Esel/Joanna Pianka -
© Esel/Joanna Pianka -
© Esel/Joanna Pianka -
© Esel/Joanna Pianka -
© Esel/Joanna Pianka -
© WIENWOCHE/Olesya Kleymenova -
© WIENWOCHE/Olesya Kleymenova -
© WIENWOCHE/Olesya Kleymenova
Representing the insight into the experiences of Filipinx nurses and migrants
The Sulyap project includes various forms of artistic expression, such as a short film, an installation, an exhibition, and a panel discussion. It aims to bring to a wider audience not only the experiences and stories of Filipinx nurses, but also other Filipinx who emigrated to Austria under the Philippine-Austrian Agreement. Through these diverse media, the experiences and stories of these people are presented in an engaging and accessible way. It also emphasizes their pioneering role in the emergence of the Philippine diaspora in Europe.
Through personal interviews and conversations, this project sheds light on the influence of Philippine indigenous matriarchy and the important role of the Filipinas in their communities. In addition, Sulyap aims to create a space for Philippine youth to engage with their culture and encourage critical thinking about the challenges facing their community, including post-colonial thinking and racist prejudices.
Presented in partnership with JOONIV3RSE, a collaborative platform created by Turkish-Viennese creative director and filmmaker EYEOFBRC and curated by Filipina-Viennese artist Chelsea Amada, this visually captivating exhibition, including an artistic short film, is brought to you by the Vienna art festival WIENWOCHE.
Come and join us in honoring the crucial role of Filipinx nurses in Western healthcare systems, while also celebrating the remarkable contributions of the Filipinx community to Vienna's local art scene! We will not only celebrate, but also raise awareness and prompt critical thinking within Austrian society. We will explore the political aspects behind the presence of Filipinx nurses and migrants and gain a glimpse into the latest developments in the healthcare agreement.
Director & Artist: Chelsea Amada
Creative Director &
Filmmaker: EYEOFBRC
Production: JOONIV3RSE
Manager: Barima Asomaning
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Organized in collaboration between WIENWOCHE and the Austrian Embassy Manila as part of the Sulyap project.
Memorandum of (Mis)understandings
Filipinx health workers in Austria
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The Filipinx health workers have been a substantial part of Austrian society ever since the 1970s. To this day, many well-trained and (over)qualified Filipinx work as nurses or in healthcare facilities. They have learned the German language and adapted to the local customs, traditions and norms. Despite the ongoing shortage of nursing staff in the European Union, the long nostrification process makes it difficult to work in Austria. The attempt to sign a newest Memorandum of Understanding between the Philippines and Austria in order to attract new workers to Austria seems to have receded into the distant future, despite efforts.
In this panel we will discuss questions around the working conditions of the Filipinx healthcare workers in Austria. How are they welcomed and how do the repatriation projects look like? Could we speak of reciprocity? Where does Austria stand in relation to the EU in terms of acquiring new labor power? What role do diplomatic and political functions play?
FM 94.0 | live-stream
Camilo Antonio, artistic activist at UrbanNomadMixes, Vienna
Maria Corina Buñag, Labor Attaché, Republic of the Philippines
Isabelle Ourny, International Secretary of the Austrian Trade Union Federation
Ellene Sana, Executive Director, Center for Migrant Advocacy, Republic of the Philippines
Ralph Chan, Sociologist, Vienna