Gewächshaus – our stories on our own terms

Anouk Shad & Weina Zhao

Community hike
Concert & Party
Screening & discussion
Sat 16.09.2023 → Tue 19.09.2023
WIENWOCHE 2023: Gewächshaus - our stories on our own terms. Three project members during a public discussion, sitting in front of a Jugendstil mural. © Paola Lesslhumer
© Paola Lesslhumer

To be Black or a Person of Colour in the Austrian countryside means being an outsider

We know this situation all too well: you open the door to a rural Gasthaus and everything freezes. "Silence and stares, followed by the eruption of talking again once the customers have recovered from the cultural tsunami of having a PoC walk in." (VV Brown, 2020)

Most of Austria's BPoC and Migra population lives in cities – to be out in the green on your own can still be uncomfortable and micro-aggressions of country life are constant. Let’s gang up and conquer these recreational spaces for all of us! 

For this year‘s issue of WIENWOCHE, Gewächshaus is curating a program around the theme of SHAME. The focus is on dealing with the topic of Heimat and exploring what it means to be at home in Austria as a BPoC. Together as a group we are stepping out of our cultural bubble to explore spaces traditionally reserved for white recreation. We will process and shed our shame in a writing workshop and celebrate our views around Heimat, or the home we wish we had, in a short film screening.


Project Coordinator: Xing Li

Producer Music: Angie-Shahira Pohl

Social media: Zhameli Khairli

Screenwriting Workshop:  Malina Nwabuonwor 

Music acts:  BEX, Vereter & die woarmen Semmerln, DJ মm. DJ Noushin 

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