Elena Messner, Ljubomir Bratić & Gabriela Urrutia Reyes

© MUSMIG (LjB) -
© WIENWOCHE/Olesya Kleymenova -
© WIENWOCHE/Olesya Kleymenova -
© WIENWOCHE/Olesya Kleymenova -
© WIENWOCHE/Olesya Kleymenova -
© WIENWOCHE/Peter R. Horn -
© WIENWOCHE/Peter R. Horn -
© WIENWOCHE/Peter R. Horn -
© WIENWOCHE/Peter R. Horn -
© WIENWOCHE/Peter Horn -
© WIENWOCHE/Radio Orange -
© WIENWOCHE/Radio Orange -
© WIENWOCHE/Radio Orange
It‘s done!
The "Museum of Migration" (MUSMIG), long prepared and longed for, finally manifests itself again! After a Corona-related pause for reflection, it is brought back to life by its collaborators. For an entire joyful day, over thirty people from the arts, academia, and activism will engage in performances, lectures, manifestos, conversations, and songs to ask how its present and future can be sustainably shaped.
There is no question that MUSMIG is needed, because MUSMIG is the blind spot of traditional museums, the thorn in the flesh of nation-state institutions. MUSMIG is the gap that comes into the world performatively, the utopia that is only realized in the act of speaking, in the argument and in the celebration. MUSMIGrepresents an activist force that gives strength and energy to art and science. MUSMIG represents a loud reverberation, captured by the museum's own radio, hosted by Radio ORANGE 94.0. MUSMIG is the open question of whether it is even possible to think of a migrant subject that has as many rights as a state or an individual – and what this will mean for questions of curating in museums. MUSMIG is an attempt at migrant self-historicization. It is the search for a positioning of public institutions in the face of global wars, climate catastrophes, and the capitalist exploitation of people and nature, and the assertion of a relevant corrective to debates purely driven by identity-politics. MUSMIG, this is an explosive moment in which the view of history and culture restricted by national borders is shattered and the right to equality – in the museum as well as outside – is collectively demanded.
The main question remains that of inclusion and exclusion: how will MUSMIG in the future create access to topics that are moving, that are pleasurable and at the same time remain subversive? And who will have access to MUSMIG in the first place, who will decide on the questions and presentations in the young institution?
There is a lot to be clarified in, through and with MUSMIG. That is why the young museum is also looking for its new team of directors. Nominations will be accepted on September 16, 2023 in the Aula of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna during the Great Plenum – personal applications are also possible. Become a part of MUSMIG!
Elena Messner, curator
Ljubomir Bratić, curator
Gabriela Urrutia Reyes, curator
Aleksandra Panek
Alice Fehrer
Andreas Görg
Andrea Vezga Acevedo
Anna Leder
Araba Evelyn Johnston-Arthur
Camilo Antonio
Construction Choir Collective
Deniz Güvensoy
Elena Messner
Fiona Steinert
Franz Prüller
Gabriela Urrutia Reyes
Georg Kö
Gizem Gerdan
Handan Özbas
Irene Lucas
Katarzyna Winiecka
Kathrin Herm
Lia Kastiyo-Spinósa
Lisa Bolyos
Ljubomir Bratić
Mariama Nzinga Diallo
Natalie Deewan
Oluchukwu Akusinanwa (aka LoveMore)
Persson Perry Baumgartinger
Peter Melichar
Petra Sturm
Radio MUSMIG hosted by Orange 94.0
Radostina Patulova
Regina Wonisch
Renate Oblak
Robert Foltin
Rubia Salgado
Ruby Jana Sircar
Stefan Nussbaumer
UNDOK, Anlaufstelle zur gewerkschaftlichen Unterstützung undokumentiert Arbeitender
Vlatka Frketić
Yoyo Sounds
Zoe Gudović
Zuzana Ernst
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Elena Messner, Ljubomir Bratić & Gabriela Urrutia Reyes
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Show more details
Ab 10.00 und nur bis 17.30 werden Einreichungen für die Direktion des MUSMIG entgegengenommen.
MUSMIG Radio Orange 94.0 sendet live und sorgt für die audiophone Erlebbarkeit und diskursive Begleitung der österreichischen Migrationsgeschichte.
Achtung: Einige wenige und heiß begehrte soziale Hängematten stehen den Gästen zur freien Verfügung.
11.00-11.45 Eröffnung
Construction Choir Collective, Elena Messner, Ljubomir Bratić, Gabriela Urrutia Reyes
Mit Grußwort und Appell der MA 16
12.00-15.00 Programm I & II (Talks und Intervention)
Construction Choir Collective, Rubia Salgado, Deniz Güvensoy, Handan Özbas, Andreas Görg, Lisa Bolyos, Topoke, Araba Evelyn Johnston-Arthur, Ruby Jana Sircar, Irene Lucas, Alice Fehrer, Peter Melichar, Gizem Gerdan, Zuzana Ernst, Kathrin Herm
15.00-18.00 Programm III & IV (Talks und Interventionen)
Gabriela Urrutia Reyes, Radostina Patulova, Persson Perry Baumgartinger, Aleksandra Panek, Robert Foltin, Lia Kastiyo-Spinósa – migrazine, Mariama Nzinga Diallo, Regina Wonisch, Georg Kö, Natalie Deewan, Katarzyna Winiecka, Anna Leder, Vlatka Frketić, Andrea Vezga Acevedo, Oluchukwu Akusinanwa (aka LoveMore)
18.00-18.15 Die erste MUSMIG-Direktion wird aus dem Hut gezaubert!
18.15 Fröhlicher Abschied und Ausblick